Sunday 15 May 2011

Streets Of Malaysia specifically Kuching! :D - Carpenter Street

        Carpenter Street is a famous tourist attraction just opposite our Kuching's Waterfront. It is also one of the oldest streets in Kuching. The main entrance is marked with a Chinese-inspired archway called the Harmony Arch, which leads to its many fascinating shops and temples. The Harmony Arch at Carpenter Street was launched on the 7th of March 2007. The arch signifies the many cultures in Kuching that lives together in harmony. It is famous for its carpentry works, food and for being our Kuching's own Chinatown.

Harmony Arch

        Carpenter Street is famous for its carpentry works as in the past, many carpenters set up shops there by the streets. It is also how the street got its name. Today, Carpenter Street is known for its food especially its 'Kueh Chap'! :D 'Kueh Chap' is a delicacy in Kuching. It has a variety of the insides of pork like the pork intestines, pork stomach, its heart and many other parts. :D Yum! 

        Carpenter Street is not really for shopping but just for sightseeing. It doesn't have souvenir shops like Main Bazaar but it is famous for its people, food and buildings. You could see people from different races walking around and buying things from bicycles to furniture. As it is now the 21st Century, the buildings are "catching up" by them being refurbished to suit our modern times. Don't get me wrong, its not all glass and too modern looking. They still has cracked walls and peeled paint. :D 

        Other than that, Carpenter Street has two famous temples, the Hokkien Temple at the far east of Carpenter Street, the Hong San Si Temple, and the Teochew Temple at the western end, the Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple. They are famous for their many beautiful and magnificent carvings all along the pillars and some of the walls of the temples.

        During the Chinese festive seasons, Carpenter Street is the place to be. It would be crowded with people as there would be many festive entertainment there. Old and young would gather every Chinese festive season to see what's installed for them as every year the entertainment organized would be different. It would be the most crowded and fun during the first day of the lunar new year. Other Chinese festive seasons would be during the 'Hungry Ghost' Festival and also the 'Mooncake' Festival. There would be shows, the Chinese opera and food stalls all along the streets.

        As I was looking for more information on the web, I stumbled upon this website, It had an article in it and this is what it said. "According to history, Chinese immigrants traveled along Sarawak River through Santubong and landed at the Old Bazaar area in the early part of 18th Century. In those days, sailing by wooden junks seemed to be the only mode of transportation. These Chinese immigrants were mainly labourers, carpenters, cooks, blacksmiths, farmers and merchants from the coastal areas of China such as Fujian and Guangdong provinces. With their settlement, Kuching entered a new phase in history.

According to the elders of the Teochew clan, one origin of the name "Kuching" referred to an "old well" situated at the Upper China Street in Old Bazaar area. "Old Well" is pronounced as "Kuching" in Teochew dialect. The Old Bazaar, including the Main Bazaar, on the bank of the Sarawak River was the earliest trading post or market. Barter trade flourished between the Chinese at the Old Bazaar and the Malays who lived on the opposite bank as well as the coastal areas. The Malays brought their products such as "gula apong", "atap"- leaves for roofing, sago flour, bamboo mats, rattan furniture and "bako" limber from the mangrove swamp to the Old Bazaar for trade. Through these mutually beneficial trading and cultural exchanges, a long history of multicultural cordia relationship was established and nurtured among the Malays and Chinese.     ....."

Entrance of Carpenter Street

(Some information taken from, and

Saturday 14 May 2011

Streets Of Malaysia! Specifically Kuching :D - Padungan Street

        After finishing my mid-semester exams, and having holidays for a week, I'm came back home to Kuching! I'm so happy to be back home! :D What with all the wondrous food, family and friends. :D Anyway, we're asked to write a blog on the streets of Malaysia so I'm going to write about the streets in my hometown, Kuching. 

        The first street is Padungan Street or Padungan in short. Padungan was commenced in the 1920s. It is one of the oldest streets in Kuching. Ever since it was developed, it had a sense of the future as it was different from other streets. It had looked weird in the past as the roads were bigger than others. Since there weren't any cars then, people thought it was funny to have such big roads. But as the time passed, and cars were used, it was essential for everyone that the roads in Padungan were spacious for cars to drive through. Padungan today has a whiff of the 20s and the 21st century. It has an aura of both old and new. For example, there are shops that are more than 20 years old to shops that are only 2 years old. 

       Other than that, Padungan is where our famous landmark the statue of a 'Kucing' - Cat - is. It is one of the many tourists attractions here in Kuching. People who come here would definitely make a trip to see the statue. It is picturesquely backed by a substitute City Gate. Padungan is flourished with rooftop ornaments, decorative facades and, mansard gardens and mucilage everywhere. Walking down the roads of Padungan should be enjoyable and taken slowly as you wouldn't want to miss the antique yet beautiful buildings that are there. 

        Padungan is also famous for its variety of food. It has food that were passed down from generation to generation, to western or Italian food. Young and old people would gather there every hour of the day. As shops are open at different time of the day, there's always people around. The older folks would just sit at the coffee shops during the day and talk about their lives while the younger people would come out at night to just chill at the modern cafes like Bing!, Tao and Memories. :D Padungan is famous for its Dim Sum on Sunday mornings where even young people would drag themselves from their beds to get there early as the Dim Sum would be finished if you were to go late. The 'Sarawak Laksa' is a must have when you go to Padungan. It is famous for being one of the best 'laksa' in Kuching. Thinking about it is making my mouth water. Yum Yum! :D Kuching's best lacquered duck and crispy chicken are also sold in Padungan. 

        On some nights, if you are lucky, there would be some locals who bring their guitars, flutes, drums and local instruments to different places around Padungan to play impromptu songs for the entertainment of the people there. Padungan is indeed a must go place in Kuching. :D

Shophouses alongside Padungan Street.


The 'City Gate'

Monday 9 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day To My MUMMY! :D

         Well, it's mother's day today and I just want to dedicate this post to her. :D
        My mum is kind of like most mums out there I guess, in the way that she never stops nagging. She is very long-winded and she tells me things that I already know, over and over and OVER again, and to be honest, I get annoyed (sorry mummy). I guess she just wants me to remember and all but I keep telling her that I do remember and as her being her, she still goes on nagging. I guess its in all mother's instincts. :D 

        She scolds us (my siblings and I) if we don’t do what she asks, like chores or whatever and she would continue nagging. But if that doesn’t help, she would bribe us..haha.. She would tell us that she’ll buy something for us, like if she knows that we have something we really want then, she’ll promise us that she’ll buy it for us - well mostly me, she bribes me as I’m the most rebelious among my siblings :P – and we’ll actually do it.

Mummy and Daddy :D
        My mum is not all bad. Those are only when we disobey her. :D My mum is so awesome to me that no other mum in this world can compare to her and to what she has done in my life. She has sacrificed so much for me and I am so sad to say that I never really appreciated it, but now after being away from her I kind of do. I feel so much gratitude towards everything she has done in my life and I know that I could never measure up to her, ever. She is just too awesome to me and she might not know this but I look up to her so much. She is gifted in so many things. She loves to sing, is very good in language, she's a very good business woman, a great teacher, good daughter, fabulous with kids, and many many more.
Mummy and I :D
        Everyone says that I look exactly like my mum, our faces are so similar, as they say, and when I hear that, I feel happy inside to at least have something that proves that I'm her daughter because we have nothing else in common, I think..haha.. My mum, is the total opposite of me. She is hardworking, smart, analytical, very good in math (she has to be, she teaches math) , she is very organized, systematic and rational. She has never done anything half way, she always finishes things she needs to do on time. She loves her family more than anything and would do anything for us. (I love my family too and also would do anything for them. Another similarity! :D) She spends so much on us and never really complains. She is very thoughtful and always thinks twice, once for herself and another for us. She is also very patient with us even sometimes when we drive her up the wall..haha.. :D

Mummy :D
        Well, to me, my mummy is the most awesome, fabulous, fantastic, bombastic, incredible, amazing, greatest, splendid, wonderful, marvelous, beautiful, magnificent, dignified, admirable, outstanding, distinguished, incomparable, brilliant, superb, remarkable, magnanimous, considerate, sacrificial, altruistic, knowledgeable and supportive mummy in the whole world to ME and I her now and forever! HAPPY MUMMY'S DAY, MUMMY LIAW! :D

Mummy, my sisters and I
Mummy, my younger sis and I
Daddy and Mummy  

♥ Daddy and Mummy again 

Sunday 8 May 2011

A Story By Me :D

She came into the classroom, looking very sad. She was crying to herself. We looked at her and tried to ask her what happened, but she wouldn’t say. She just went to the back of the class, sat on her seat and cried. We all felt sorry for her. I went up to her and tried to comfort her but she just pushed me away. She was crying even louder now. I was her best friend but I felt that I couldn’t do anything to help her. So I went to the staffroom to find our teacher for some information on what had happened. She said that her parents had just passed away. They got into a terrible car accident where a drunk driver crashed into her parents’ car. I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say. Her parents were the kindest people I knew and suddenly this happened? I cried too because they were like my own parents. I was an orphan and they treated me like their daughter, like their family. We would always do everything together like shopping, going on trips and playing sports. I was devastated. Then I thought, if I felt like this, my best friend must feel a hundred times worse. I felt so sorry for her. She was always the happiest person I knew. I had to do something.

            I ran to the classroom and found everyone crowding around her, asking all sorts of questions. I pushed through the crowd and took her outside to talk. I told her that I knew what happened but she couldn’t stop crying. I needed to get through to her, to tell her that it was going to be okay. I tried comforting her but she just wouldn’t listen. So I told her about my experience, how I felt like her now, when I first found out that my parents passed away.

            “Anneliese, please. It’s going to be okay. I was like you too, when I first found out my parents passed away but then I got through it and I know you can too,” I begged her.

            “You don’t understand, Carrie,” she said.

            “Yes, I do! My parents passed away too!” I tried to tell her.

          “I got through it. Remember when I found out that my parents passed away? I cried for a month! I barely ate, I didn’t go to school, and I didn’t do anything! I just gave up on life! And who was there to help me get through it all???!!! You did, Anneliese! You! You helped me by supporting me, by telling me that it’s going to be okay. You never gave up on me, Anneliese. That’s why you are my best friend and I’m yours! So I’m not giving up on you either!” I shouted at her to put some sense back into her.

            “You’re really going to be there for me, Carrie?” she sobbed.

            “Isn’t that what best friends do? I owe you Anneliese…for being there for me when I needed you the most and when I gave up on myself, you didn’t. You know me more than I know myself and you helped me,” I said, now starting to cry.

            “Thanks, Carrie. You really are my best friend,” she said.

            “No problem. You’re mine, too,” I laughed.

           After that though she was still sad, at least she had felt a little better. She was allowed to go home early and asked the principal if I could follow her. The principal agreed and we both went back to her house. Her aunt was there to bring us to the church. She was going to ask the priest for a session of prayers at her house that night.

            When we were at the church, her aunt went to look for the priest and we sat there waiting. Suddenly, Anneliese stood up, and went up to the altar. She knelt down in front of the cross and prayed aloud. She asked God to take care of her parents who are with Him now and to forgive the drunk driver who did it. I was so touched. I went up to the altar, knelt down beside her and prayed.

            After an hour or so, her aunt came out with the priest and he wanted to pray for Anneliese. So they went into the room and prayed for her. After that, we went back to Anneliese’s house to get ready for the prayer session that night. We bought food and drinks for those attending that night and Anneliese’s aunts and uncles were there too. They called all of Anneliese’s parents’ friends and the rest of her family. It was really hard for them. They cried every time they had to tell the bad news to the people they called.

            That night, the prayer session went on and after that, everyone ate the food we prepared. They all wished condolences to Anneliese. I could see that she was holding her tears back. She was so sad but she tried to look happy though it was so obvious that she wasn’t. After the prayer session, Anneliese asked me if I could sleepover at her house as she didn’t want to be alone. I said yes and her aunt brought us to my house and I took my things to get ready for the sleepover and the funeral the next day.

            The next day, we woke up early and went to the church for the funeral. Anneliese was devastated. I could tell that she didn’t sleep at all last night. When they brought in her parents’ coffins, she suddenly started to cry and scream. I was there to lend her my shoulder – to just let her cry as much as she wanted to. An hour later, the funeral started and she was still crying. She went up and spoke a few words about her parents. She cried her heart out and everyone there who knew her parents cried too, including me. I was so sorry for her. I could feel how she felt at that moment. After the speech, the ceremony went on, and soon it was over.

            A few months have passed, and Anneliese is still coping upon not having her parents around but I’m always there for her. She lives with her aunt now and we would always visit each other. Sometimes we would talk about our parents, that at least now, they are in a better and happier place.

                                                                  Copyright © Joanna Liaw

Sunday 1 May 2011

Animals Have Feelings Like You And I. Help Them Speak Out!

        After watching videos after videos of animals being tortured and reading about people abusing them, I couldn't continue anymore. I felt sick to my stomach as to why would people abuse and hurt these poor animals. I just read from a website to sign a petition against a blogger who was filming himself abusing three puppies for TWENTY minutes! TWENTY MINUTES STRAIGHT! There was a video with it but I couldn't watch after five minutes into it. It was horrible and devastating! The blogger was choking the puppy and throwing it to the ground. He also stepped on the puppy with BOTH feet! The poor little puppy ran to the corner in fear. :"( I don't know what to say. I really am ashamed of them, of being a human right now, of staying on this Earth with them. I'm sorry but I feel disgusted by them.

        This is what the blogger from said, "Once again, I felt sick and numb after watching this video clip. Close to 20 minutes of senseless torture dished out on a poor defenseless puppy.
        The video shows what appears to be a man wearing heavy boots, in an enclosed store room, no windows and very messy. He picked up a couple of puppies, both gagged at the muzzle with what appears to be industrial strength rubberized tape, strangled and choked them, and shaking them violently before throwing them to the ground. One after another, the poor puppies scurry to a corner of the room, cowering in fear. They appeared weak, and one of them looked like it was limping.

Then the culprit picked up a third puppy, which appeared to be the most seriously weakened among the three, and proceeded to torture it for more than 15 minutes.

Besides strangling and choking the puppy, he also held the flame of a cigarette light at the puppy's ear. When the puppy did not struggle much, the culprit seemed un-satisfied, and shook and strangled the puppy a bit, before burning one of the pup's feet, causing the puppy to struggle and cry.

The rest of the clip showed the man beating, choking, throwing the puppy, spitting on the face of the puppy, pressing his thumb on the puppy's windpipe, standing ON the puppy with both feet, putting a metal rod across the puppy's neck and stepping on the rod....

I just cannot go on with the description any longer.

        It was saying that Google didn't want to give out the name of this blogger, Asesino Knino, which means dog murderer. So they are signing a petition for Google to tell the authorities about this issue.

        How can someone be so inhumane??? How can he stand the whining and cryings of those poor puppies? I'm sure no matter how inhumane he is, he still has a heart, right? I mean seriously, I'm totally speechless. I'm just too shocked as to why someone would do something like this? So please, if you care for them and do feel something after you've read this, please please sign the petition. Do something or nobody would. Just go to this website,

One of the puppies being tortured :(
-Picture from