Monday 9 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day To My MUMMY! :D

         Well, it's mother's day today and I just want to dedicate this post to her. :D
        My mum is kind of like most mums out there I guess, in the way that she never stops nagging. She is very long-winded and she tells me things that I already know, over and over and OVER again, and to be honest, I get annoyed (sorry mummy). I guess she just wants me to remember and all but I keep telling her that I do remember and as her being her, she still goes on nagging. I guess its in all mother's instincts. :D 

        She scolds us (my siblings and I) if we don’t do what she asks, like chores or whatever and she would continue nagging. But if that doesn’t help, she would bribe us..haha.. She would tell us that she’ll buy something for us, like if she knows that we have something we really want then, she’ll promise us that she’ll buy it for us - well mostly me, she bribes me as I’m the most rebelious among my siblings :P – and we’ll actually do it.

Mummy and Daddy :D
        My mum is not all bad. Those are only when we disobey her. :D My mum is so awesome to me that no other mum in this world can compare to her and to what she has done in my life. She has sacrificed so much for me and I am so sad to say that I never really appreciated it, but now after being away from her I kind of do. I feel so much gratitude towards everything she has done in my life and I know that I could never measure up to her, ever. She is just too awesome to me and she might not know this but I look up to her so much. She is gifted in so many things. She loves to sing, is very good in language, she's a very good business woman, a great teacher, good daughter, fabulous with kids, and many many more.
Mummy and I :D
        Everyone says that I look exactly like my mum, our faces are so similar, as they say, and when I hear that, I feel happy inside to at least have something that proves that I'm her daughter because we have nothing else in common, I think..haha.. My mum, is the total opposite of me. She is hardworking, smart, analytical, very good in math (she has to be, she teaches math) , she is very organized, systematic and rational. She has never done anything half way, she always finishes things she needs to do on time. She loves her family more than anything and would do anything for us. (I love my family too and also would do anything for them. Another similarity! :D) She spends so much on us and never really complains. She is very thoughtful and always thinks twice, once for herself and another for us. She is also very patient with us even sometimes when we drive her up the wall..haha.. :D

Mummy :D
        Well, to me, my mummy is the most awesome, fabulous, fantastic, bombastic, incredible, amazing, greatest, splendid, wonderful, marvelous, beautiful, magnificent, dignified, admirable, outstanding, distinguished, incomparable, brilliant, superb, remarkable, magnanimous, considerate, sacrificial, altruistic, knowledgeable and supportive mummy in the whole world to ME and I her now and forever! HAPPY MUMMY'S DAY, MUMMY LIAW! :D

Mummy, my sisters and I
Mummy, my younger sis and I
Daddy and Mummy  

♥ Daddy and Mummy again 

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