Sunday 17 April 2011

College Life : A new chapter,a new experience

So, I have so many things to do even though I only have 5 subjects this semester. Even this blog is part of my assignment, but I guess this is just the beginning of my college life. I'm sure it'll get harder when the time comes but who cares! We have to work for it, to succeed. So bring it on! :D (I sound more confident than I really am. :P) This week's theme is college life and we're suppose to post 2 posts a week so here goes.. :D

        Starting college, or university in my case, has been what I've wanted to do ever since I ended high school. As I went travelling last year, I started college a year late. I was suppose to go to this other university in my hometown last September but some problems cropped up, so instead, I came here to Kuala Lumpur, Taylor's University to be exact, to study and I'm glad to finally be independent and be free. Of course, I miss home and my family, and especially my dad's cooking at times when I'm sick of the food here in campus but it's just a part of this new life I chose and up 'til now, I'm glad I took it. :D I just started classes 2 weeks ago and I'm still trying to get used to it. I've met new friends and seen old ones. :D College life has opened up this whole new world for me that I could never imagine, totally different from high school. I see people from different cultures, races and countries, which is awesome when I get to learn new things from them. Also I get to see how different people from different walks of life go through their lives every day. Just being here makes me very excited and nervous at the same time and I can't wait for what is in store for me here. :D
        When I first came here, I was a little overwhelmed with everything. Of how beautiful this university is, how big it was and how new it my high school was like a hundred years old, I was so used to that kind of thing so this is really all new to me, to study in a place like this. I came here with a learning heart and ready for all the good and bad experiences that I'll have here. Maybe not fully ready, but still ready. :D I haven't really, fully taken it in that I'm here all by myself without my family :( , but at least I have 2 friends, Karmen and Jacqueline, who came with me to Taylor's and I'm so glad that they were with me if not I would have been homesick like crazy. Starting college wasn't easy, I had to start learning to save money even with all the temptations of clothes and food out there, waking up early for classes, doing work and assignments on my own and a little help from lecturers, not being spoon fed with information and steps on how to do something like high school teachers and also making new friends. But I'm trying to get used to it, I have to! I have to motivate myself and be disciplined! :D I guess that's it from me for now :D Before I end, here's a quote.
        "You can kiss your family good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you can carry them with you in your heart , your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you."  -Frederick Buechner-

                                  Taylor's Lakeside Campus

                                     The hostel and the lake

                                               The hotel

                                Classrooms and library blocks


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