Saturday 30 April 2011

Stand up for Animals! They have rights too!

-Picture from Google- 

        Back home in Kuching, I have a neighbour who has a dog, Bobby. When they first moved in to the house two houses away from mine, their dog was really cute and actually healthy looking. He was fed properly and bathed every 2 days. They would play with him and bring him for walks. They really took care of him. But one sad and awful day, it was raining heavily, and as I was at home, just taking a nap, I heard somewhat of a whining, a really desperate cry.
        So I got up and went to look at what it might be, and when I followed the sound, I saw from my window, my neighbour's dog, Bobby, was the one whining. He had his two front legs on the gates and he was begging my neighbours to let him in. When I saw that, I was so angry at my neighbour's for not letting him in and I was devastated for the dog. I could feel what he felt. Anybody who saw him would do something. So I thought that my neighbour's weren't in and that was why they couldn't let him in but when I called them, they answered the phone. I quickly told them about Bobby and to let him in the house, but they were like, "It's raining so heavily outside, we'll bring him in after the rain." Then, they hung up. I waited, looking at the poor dog begging. The rain outside didn't look like it would stop anytime soon. I prayed and prayed that it would stop.
        After a while, it got less heavy but it was still raining and I thought that my neighbour would come out and bring Bobby in. I waited but no one came out. I called again, and they gave me the same answer but in a more rude tone and hung up. I was so angry with my neighbour then. I couldn't see Bobby begging anymore, so I went out with my umbrella and brought Bobby in. I didn't know how to lure him into my house at first and I tried pulling him by his collar but he was a fierce dog - despite the heavy rain-, and I never had a pet so I really didn't know what to do. I went back to my house to find some food that he might like and I brought it out to try to lure him to shelter. Luckily, he was hungry then so he followed the food and finally, we were in my house's car porch. I put down the food and quickly ran in to get a towel to wipe Bobby. I think that he thought that I wasn't trying to hurt him and he let me wipe him. After he ate, I wrapped him in a towel and brought him into my house for warmth. I just sat with him there and fed him whenever he looked hungry. Around an hour passed by and finally the rain stopped. I carried him back to my neighbour's house and I gave them Bobby back. I told them if they left Bobby outside again, I would report to SPCA, which stands for Society for the 
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. I told them that if they were so 
inhumane to Bobby, who has feelings, they shouldn't keep him at 
all and give him to someone else who is willing to love and care for 
        After that incident, Bobby would sometimes just sit in front of 
my house and sometimes I would play with him and all. :D A week 
later, they called me up and asked me whether I wanted to take Bobby in. I was overjoyed but when I asked my parents, they said that I couldn't as no one would take care of him when I went away for travelling and studies. I was so sad, but I had to find someone else who would take Bobby in. After calling a few of my neighbours, there was one who was willing to take Bobby in. She was an old lady, Auntie Anastasia, who lived alone and she was really nice. I told her about the incident and she said that she was more than happy enough to take Bobby in. I was thrilled and thanked her so much. So, I told my neighbour that Auntie Anastasia would take care of Bobby. We took Bobby to his new home and Auntie Anastasia was waiting with open arms and food to welcome Bobby to his new home. :D I was really happy that I could help Bobby in finding a better home. I would always go to Auntie Anastasia's house to play with Bobby and I miss him ever so much. :D
        I'm so glad that I helped Bobby with his problem and to help him speak out as he can't. Do you have a situation like this or have you ever come across one? Don't just ignore it, animals have feelings too. They feel pain. Do something about it and trust me, you'll feel so great after. :D

-Picture from SodaHead-

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